R∴ W∴ Kenneth G. Barefield
DDGM 21st Masonic District
I would like
to start by saying thank you to our 2024 Grand Master of the Most Worshipful
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida, Most Worshipful Donald W.
Cowart, for trusting me with this great honor. It’s a great honor to serve
under such a great mentor, brother and most of all friend. Over the past 4
years that we have known each other I have learned that you are a man of your
word in whom I have grown to love and trust.
I am also
humbled and blessed to have the opportunity to Travel to all of the
Lodges in this 21st district and meet with the brothers of this
great district. I believe that together we, the 21st Masonic District,
can move forward into the next few years and have a positive impact on
Freemasonry. But for this to be accomplished we must work together and allow
all of our differences to be the glue that unites the wheel of this great fraternity.
“We Put The
First In 21st”!
Not to bore
you with too much about myself but that you may know a little more about me, I
will lend you a short biography.
My name is
Kenneth G. Barefield aka “Bear” and was born in a small rural town known
as Avon Park, Florida. I graduated from Avon Park High School in 1984. After
working various jobs throughout my career, I found my career job in Fire and
Rescue and retired as Deputy Chief in 2013. It was such a rewarding career that
it never seemed like work. There is no better feeling than when you know you’ve
made a difference in another person’s life. That is why I am so thankful to be
a Freemason. It is my hope that we can fan the flames that illuminate our zeal
for Freemasonry so that it doesn’t seem like work but is a pure joy to the
inner being so that this light may lead others to the same.
In regard to
my masonic career, I am a proud Perpetual Member of Poinciana Lodge No. 227, Plural Member of Lake Wales Lodge No. 242 and Life Member of Master Masons
Association of the 21st Masonic District. I encourage each one of
you to attend these meetings when your cable tow permits. These meetings allow
you to know what is going on in your district as well as throughout the state.
I received the Three Symbolic Degrees of Freemasonry from Poinciana Lodge No.
227 in 2017, being initiated on June 5, 2017, passed to the degree Fellow Craft
on August 22, 2017, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on October
21, 2017. I served as Junior Warden of Poinciana Lodge No. 227 in 2019, Senior
Warden in 2020 and Worshipful Master in 2021! Being a Worshipful Master was a
great honor and definitely helped me to grow and learn so much more about
Freemasonry. I hope all of you, who have not done so, endeavor to sit in the
East. The reward is worth it. I am a Past President of Highlands Shrine Club
located between Avon Park and Sebring. We have great fun and fellowship. If you
have any questions about it, feel free to ask.
thing I would like to encourage the brothers of the 21st District is
to work towards receiving their proficiency cards. You will truly have
revelations that cannot be obtained in any other manner. Until the mysteries of
masonry are safely lodged in the repository of faithful breast they will not be
revealed. With that said, I earned my Master Mason I, II & III; Masonic
Leadership Training; and Lodge Officer Training certificates in 2018. I also
earned my blue proficiency card in 2022 and my gold proficiency card in 2023.
Yes, it was worth it. I am a better person because of it. Ask any gold card
holder and he’ll tell you that it is worth it. “Knowledge Is The Spark And Wisdom Is The
Lastly, I
would like to thank my beautiful wife and soulmate Rachel for allowing me to Travel
on this journey. She’s had to put up with a lot while I worked hard to learn,
but she will tell you that I am a better person and most of all a better
husband. We have four beautiful children that we are proud to call ours. I want
to thank each and everyone of you for your support and may God bless you, our
military men and women, our first responders, and may God Bless the United
States of America!!!
Sincerely And Fraternally,
R∴ W∴ Kenneth G. Barefield
District Deputy Grand Master
21st Masonic District 2024
“We Put The First In 21st”