Saturday, June 27, 2020

Grand Lodge of Florida Masonic Code books are in stock

We've been informed by Grand Lodge that they have the Florida Masonic Code book back in stock, you may order directly through Grand Lodge by calling 1-904-354-2339 or through your Lodge (Please speak to your Secretary.) Note that if you order through the Grand Lodge you will be required to provide your Masonic ID number in order for the order to be processed, this does not apply if you order through your lodge.

● If you order the Masonic Code book directly from Grand Lodge the cost is $10.70 per book (Grand Lodge is required to charge 7% Florida Sales Tax.)

● If you order the Masonic Code book directly from your lodge the cost is $10.00 per book (No Florida State Sales tax is charged.)

If you have any questions please email us at office(at)