At the stated meeting on Saturday, July 18, 2020 to which all were summoned, the craft voted to offer our building up for sale. There was a discussion period where several Brothers offered suggestions, advice and stories, some opposing the sale and others supporting it but in the end dollars, cents and common sense prevailed. A committee has been formed to start the arduous task of photographing and inventorying the many items in the lodge to see what we will keep, sell or toss out - a process that will take quite some time. Also, the search is on for a suitable building to move into or, if possible build a new structure to our own specifications.
Until the dust settles, your lodge will continue to function as laid out in the trestleboard, as long as Coronavirus issues do not interfere.
If you have questions or concerns email me at wm186@21stmasonicdistrict.com.
W:. Dennis Wind, Worshipful Master
Winter Haven Lodge No. 186
If you have questions or concerns email me at wm186@21stmasonicdistrict.com.
W:. Dennis Wind, Worshipful Master
Winter Haven Lodge No. 186
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