Thursday, September 3, 2020

Grand Master's official visit to the 21st Masonic District

Brothers of the 21st Masonic District, Attached is the invitation to the Grand Master's Official Visit to District 21. It will be held on Saturday, October 10th, 2020, at Heartland Church in Winter Haven. It is open to all Masons in the 21st District and their families. Heartland Church is a large venue and there will be plenty of room for  everyone to social distance.

This is also the perfect opportunity to make presentations to the Grand Master and First Lady for their charities, donations to the Masonic Home and other Grand Lodge programs, gifts to the Grand Master, and Honorary Memberships if your Lodge wishes.

If you would like to attend, please fill out the bottom portion of the Invitation and email back to me.

Stay safe, Brothers.

R:.W:. Anthony L. Pickren, District Deputy Grand Master, 21st Masonic District

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