Happy Thanksgiving... Be Coronavirus aware, Enjoy family
and friends...
Monday December 7th, 2020 @ 7:30pm, is the election
for the 5 stations in the lodge WM. SW, JW, S, T. Each station has only 1
candidate running. You must show your valid dues card to the Tyler for entry
into the lodge room. Temperature checks and face masks will be the norm for
the evening.
Saturday December 12th, 2020 @ 4:00pm is the Annual
Christmas party for which there are only a few seats left. We had to limit
seating due to the COVID-19 issue. Temperature checks and face masks will be
needed. Families will sit and remain together at the table of their choice and
all CDC mandates in place at that time will be followed. email for available
seating to
Officers... Your attendance is needed at the Christmas party.
December 19th, 2020 @ 9:00am, the Craft of Winter Haven Lodge No. 186 have
been Summoned to the lodge for the purpose of approving the sale of the
building. The usual Country breakfast will start at 8:00am and this will be
the last one for at least a year.
Monday January 4th, 2021 @ 7:30pm
is our normal stated meeting.
Saturday January 9th, 2021@ 1:00pm is
the installation of Officers for 2021. It would be great to have the sidelines
filled to show support for the newly elected officers. There will be a
luncheon starting @ 11:30am.
At all Masonic events from now until
we vacate the building (depending on the vote) there will be items lining the
Dining Hall that are being offered to all. These items are all in good
condition and range from filing cabinets to plastic flowers and everything in
between. There will, of course, be a HUGE Donation bucket and all donations
will be appreciated. Generous donations even more so!!!
Here are a
couple of "teaser" images but... No pre-sales, you have to be there to pick
them up.
Email questions to
W:. Dennis Wind, Worship Master Winter Haven
Lodge No. 186
Rainbow Girls Plastic and Metal License Plates / Window Signs
Order of the Eastern Star Window Sign
Blue Lodge Square and Compasses Window Sign
Our donation bucket (There are actually three to pass on to others)
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