Thursday, April 1, 2021

Heighten Security at Masonic Lodges in the 21st Masonic District

Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Brethren all,

In light of Tuesday morning's horrific attack and destruction of three Masonic temples in North Vancouver and Vancouver BC Canada, all lodges here in the 21st Masonic District (Florida) are to take immediate steps to assure the safety and security of your lodge and the brothers within it.

1) Heighten security protocols should be used during on and off hours at the lodge. If during a Stated Communication you see someone you do not recognize inform the Tyler, Secretary and Worshipful Master so they can follow the prescribed protocols to verify that person's membership. If there is a problem with this person do not engage them any further and call 911. During after hours if you see someone on your lodge property who you do not recognize DO NOT APPROACH and call 911.

2) The installation of a perimeter security system with audio and video recording capabilities which can be accessed not only in the lodge but also remotely using a computer, laptop, mobile or tablet device and which is connected to a reputable Central Station alarm service company such as ADT and/or Simplisafe, should be used.

3) Appointment of a trusted brother of the lodge who lives within 5 miles who can conduct periodic security check in and around the lodge property and be the contact point for law enforcement if the Worshipful Master or Secretary is unreachable.

4) Worshipful Masters and/or the Lodge Secretary should contact your local police department or county sheriff's office and request that an officer make a roaming check of the lodge property during their hourly patrol.

5) Keep a ongoing record of all person(s) who have access to your lodge including those who possess a door key and the security system access code. Keys should be returned to the Secretary of the Lodge by those who are no longer officers of the lodge, are no longer considered a trusted brother or an organization who formerly used the lodge property on a regular basis. If a door key is missing or the alarm system access code has been compromised, the Secretary of the lodge should be immediately notified, he will in turn notify the Worshipful Master and the appropriate changes made.

If you have any further questions please contact Bro. Rick Schwarz at  the 21st Masonic District office via email

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