Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Winter Haven Lodge No. 186 - One For The Record Books

March 7th Stated Communication

1st and foremost, R:.W:. Pearce Dreadin DDGM will be making his second Official visit to our lodge. This is not a visit accompanied by his Committeemen, rather to impart some information to us from the Grand Lodge. Sandwich ring and soda provided, jackets and ties please.

2nd and exciting, we will be opening the two time capsules found behind the Cornerstone of the old lodge building, where they had lain for 60 years. Jackets and ties please, there will be lots of pictures taken at this event. Sandwiches and drinks served at 6:30 meeting starts at 7:30.

Business Casual


After careful consideration I have decided that, for the foreseeable future, the dress code for Winter Haven Lodge will be Business Casual. Appropriate polo style shirts and long pants will be fine, no clothing depicting inappropriate or questionable images will be allowed. This action will ease the burden on Travelers Lodge Air Conditioning System for now and ease us into our new location later this year. If there is a reason, such as degree work, Grand Officer visit, funeral, etc., ample notice for the need for a coat and tie or white jacket will be given.

Updates for our new lodge building will be given to the craft at every Stated Communication.

W:. Dennis Wind, Worshipful Master, Winter Haven Lodge No. 186
Bro. Tom Wilson, Secretary, Winter Haven Lodge No. 186

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