Thursday, March 24, 2022

Uh, Sorry about that...

Oh man, I have to give everyone my sincerest apologizes, including our District Deputy Grand Master Peace Dreadin, all of the Worshipful Masters, Officers and Brothers of the 21st Masonic District and the visitors to our website for my idiocy which caused our website to be offline for a long period of time.

So, here's what happened... while I was working on another unrelated blog which is also hosted on the same service (Blogger) and in the same physical account, I decided that it just didn't look right and was not working out the way I hoped, so I decided to just delete it and start over, unfortunately I was not paying attention and as a result instead of deleting that blog I completely deleted the 21st Masonic District website, this includes 579 posts, 33 static pages and over a thousand media files, I was literally kicking myself in the ass for my utter stupidity.I know better and should have been paying attention, it took three to four hours a day for two weeks to fix everything and get the site back online.

I've been monitoring the Facebook pages of the Master Mason Association and the lodges in the 21st Masonic District as well as their website and did a repost based on those Facebook and website postings. So there was no loss of news and information as a result of what happened.

Once again, I am really sorry and will make sure that something like this won't happen again.

Bro. Rick Schwarz, IT Administrator and Social Media Manager, 21st Masonic District.

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