Friday, May 20, 2022

21st Masonic District Website Updates and Maintenance

My Masonic Brothers and visitors to the 21st Masonic District website,

In preparation for the 193rd Grand Communication being held in Orlando and the impending installation of the new Grand Master, Grand Line and the District Deputy Grand Master for the 21st Masonic District our website will be under maintenance from May 30th until June 1st, as a result the site may load slowly or may not load at all (Display a 404 error). We apologize for the inconvenience.

Our email servers are unaffected by this maintenance, however because of the changeover of the District Deputy Grand Master and his Committeemen some email address may not initially work.

If you have any further questions please email

Bro. Rick Schwarz, IT Administrator and Social Media Manager, 21st Masonic District

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