Saturday, June 4, 2022

Important Message From The IT Administrator

I want to report to you some disturbing news, during our recent website upgrade I found that there is and continues to be some serious pilfering of media from this website including but not limited to clipart, images, photographs and videos. Please be aware that such media is copyrighted by their respective owners and are used on this website are under license from the copyright owner or licensor.

Your reminded that the unauthorized downloading and copying of any media appearing on this website not only constitutes copyright infringement, it also violates your obligation as a Master Mason. We are unable to license or give permission for the use of any of the media appearing on our website because it comes from various sources including district lodges, Grand Lodge and Brethren in the district.

When this website was established in 2019 we created policies outlining the information that we collect, our Terms of Use and our policies for Indexing and Archiving which can be found below.

We want you to also be aware that our website visitor and security logs are reviewed everyday and any suspicious activity is duly logged and action taken in accordance with United States Copyright Law and the rules set forth by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida. 

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate email me at

Bro. Richard Schwarz, IT Administrator and Social Media Manager, 21st Masonic District

21st Masonic District website Privacy Policy

21st Masonic District website Terms of Use

21st Masonic District website Policies for Website Indexing and Archiving