Thursday, June 2, 2022

Wauchula Lodge No. 17 at the Annual Grand Communication

This year's 193rd Grand Lodge Communication was a blast and a riot for me, it was made all the better by having my Brothers not only from my lodge but all the lodges from the state around me. For the two Brothers in the picture below to the right, Jonathan David Johnson and Kelian Burtz it was especially meaning for them as they had just been raised only nine days prior to this even. Kelian even got star struct and had a picture taken with M:.W:. Jeff Foster. For myself, this Grand Lodge was particularly satisfying as I went through the Actual Past Master's degree and gained some more light, insight and knowledge in Freemasonry. For Paul, this was also his first time to Grand Lodge, he now has a better understanding of the proceedings and can begin to set up his year for next year. As for next year, its hoped that more Brothers of our lodge can and will be in attendance, maybe even with their families, that way not only do we get to have some serious Bro time, but we also get to fellowship with our families at dinner and with each other. So, here's to another memorable one in the books and I look forward to next year. Keep traveling East my Brothers.

W:. Danny Lackey, Worshipful Master Wauchula Lodge No. 17

Image courtesy of Wauchula Lodge No. 17 F. & A. M. Facebook page.
Image courtesy of Wauchula Lodge No. 17 F. & A. M. Facebook page.
Image courtesy of Wauchula Lodge No. 17 F. & A. M. Facebook page.
Image courtesy of Wauchula Lodge No. 17 F. & A. M. Facebook page.
Image courtesy of Wauchula Lodge No. 17 F. & A. M. Facebook page.

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