Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Haines City Lodge No. 219 Clean Up Day


As many of you are already aware, the Brothers of Haines City Lodge No. 219 have voted to sell their longtime Masonic temple on North 6th Street, so on Saturday March 18th from 8:30am to 11:30am the lodge will be holding a Clean Up Day and there are many Masonic items which are in need of a new home in the 21st Masonic District. Haines City is asking for a small donation for each items being offered to cover their expenses for the clean up and to prepare the building for its upcoming sale.

Please note that this clean up day is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. To assure that Masonic items which are being offered are put into the hands of worthy Brother Masons only district lodge officers and Masonic members from within the district will be admitted. Thank you for your understanding.

W:. Zimmerman has informed me, all of the chairs in the 2nd floor Lodge room have been purchased.