Precautionary Health Safety Practices
As a result of an increasing number of respiratory-like illnesses being reported following our Annual Grand Communication, I am asking that we re-institute some of the proven health safety precautions previously enacted. Those precautions and practices are as follows:
• If you are not feeling well, please refrain from attending functions with large numbers of people (Masonic or otherwise). By simply staying at home and allowing your illness to "run its course," you are allowing yourself time to heal and not possibly transmitting something to another Brother or family member.
• Practice safe social distancing, when possible and practical;
• Masks are encouraged, but not mandated. We all have seen the reports and stories about mask efficiency, both pro and con, and I am a firm believer in wearing a high-quality mask to either keep myself safe from others and/or keeping others safe from me;
• For all Particular Lodges, upcoming Grand Master Official Visits and any other related activities - I am asking that you provide and encourage the use of hand sanitizers. It is another proven practice that yields results; and
• If you are experiencing any type of illness or feel symptoms that gives you cause for concern, please seek advice and treatment from your healthcare provider, immediately.
Your health and safety are of critical importance and these health precautions are in our best interest. We believe that by instituting these simple measures now, we can avoid any other more drastic measures, in the future. Please act and govern yourselves accordingly.
Now more than ever we must be Stronger Together.
M:.W:. Glen B. Bishop, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
Masons of Florida
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