Thursday, June 1, 2023

The 21st Masonic District of Florida F. & A. M.

On behalf of M:.W:. Glen B. Bishop, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida, R:.W:. Thomas Simpson, District Deputy Grand Master and W:. Charles Welborn Jr., President of the Master Mason Association greetings, salutations and welcome to the official website for the Master Masons Association and the lodges of the 21st Masonic District Florida.

You'll notice that there are some significant changes to our website, first as of June 1st there is one post shown (this one) that's because I decided that starting with ever new Masonic year our website should start off fresh and new (Mmm... love that new website smell!) with all of the previous year's posts and media placed in an offline archive, this is being done not only to save on server space but to also comply with the various licensing agreements we have with third party vendors for the use of their media. Therefore, we are unable to grant permission for the use of the posts and media from our site.

Next, the Privacy Policy (click here), Terms of Use (click here) and Search Engine and Site Archive Policy (click here) for our website have been updated as of June 1, 2023. Please click on the blue underlined links above to see these policies. Previous versions of these policies are now deprecated.

Finally, we've updated the information pages for the 21st Masonic District lodges, the Master Mason Association and all of the appendant bodies. These links are on the right hand side of the website.

As always, if you are a Brother who needs assistance or are a man who is interested in learning more about Freemasonry in Florida and the 21st Masonic District, I'll be glad to provide as much assistance that I can. Email me at and I'll respond back as soon as possible.

Bro. Rick Schwarz, IT Administrator and Social Media Manager, 21st Masonic District.