Friday, October 13, 2023

Winter Haven Lodge No. 186 2024 Officer Election on December 4th, 2023

Craft of Winter Haven Masonic Lodge No. 186....

As in the past, the nominations form for the elected officers of your Lodge will be available from the Lodge Secretary at our and the Saturday October 21st 2023 meeting @ 9:00am. The Secretary can also email the form but it must be returned in person, no emails, text or other means will be honored.

Every Winter Haven Masonic Lodge No. 186 Master Mason is eligible to run for any of the elected offices, Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer and Secretary subject to the provisions in Chapter 19, of the Digest of Masonic Law of Florida. The form is also available online at any time from the Grand Lodge of Florida website.

The only change this year is that to be eligible for Worshipful Master, Senior Warden or Junior Warden the nominee must have completed MLT and MM I, II and III before being nominated. The Worshipful Master has the sole responsibility to fill the Appointed Officers chairs with the exception of the Junior Deacon. Filling that position is the responsibility of the Senior Warden.

All Master Masons nominating a member for an office must have a current, valid dues card to be able to turn in the nomination form and the nominated Mason must sign the form acknowledging that he will accept the position if elected. The forms, signed by the nominator and the nominee must be submitted to the Secretary or his designee before the sound of the opening gavel on Monday November 6th, 2023 @ 7:30pm.

No further nominations will be accepted. The Election will take place during our Stated Meeting on Monday, December 4th, 2023 @ 7:30pm.

To enter the Lodge room on election night you MUST present a current, valid dues card to the Tyler - NO EXCEPTIONS.

No electioneering of any kind will be allowed within the lodge room before, during or after a meeting.

Tom Wilson, Secretary Winter Haven Lodge No. 186

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