Sunday, May 24, 2020

Annual Grand Communication Important Announcements

With the approach of the Annual Grand Communication which will take place in Orlando from May 25th to May 27th the following announcements are being made. Brethren in this Grand Jurisdiction should take due notice thereof and govern yourself accordingly. 

The Grand Lodge in Jacksonville will be operating with a skeleton staff, there will be someone there to answer the phone, however all requests to the Grand Master, the Grand Secretary or the Grand Lodge staff will not be able to responded to immediately (with the exception a true emergency) until after the Annual Grand Communication.

The office of the 21st Masonic District including the District Deputy Grand Master and the 21st Masonic District Master Masons Association will be closed until June 1st, if you have an urgent matter or emergency please email and we will respond ASAP.

Masonic lodges in the district which hold their second Stated Communication on a day during the fourth week of May will presumably be dark (No Stated Communication) due to the Annual Grand Communication. Please speak to the lodge secretary or consult the lodge's Trestle Board, website or social media outlet (Facebook, Twitter) to confirm the date and time of the lodge's next scheduled Stated Communication.

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