Brothers who are running for an elected officers position, i.e. Worshipful
Master, Junior and Senior Wardens, Secretary and Treasurer for this upcoming
Masonic year are reminded that under the
Florida Digest of Masonic Law, Chapter 24, Section 7.02, Electioneering
is strictly forbidden, This includes the
candidate asking a brother for an endorsement or vote. Additionally, the
creation of election material including political pamphets, the creation of an
election website/blog or promotional material such as keychains, coins etc...
for the purpose of soliciting electorial votes is also
If you know of any
electioneering at any lodge in the 21st Masonic District, please immediately
contact R:.W:. C. Pearce Dreadin, District Deputy Grand Master, all reports
will be kept strictly confidential. This is your fraternity and your lodges,
lets keep our integrity above all.
All lodges chartered under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida
R:.W:. Ken "Bear" Barefield, District Deputy Grand Master
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