For the final degree of the year, on 12-6-2021, four lodges, Wauchula,
Corinthian, Winter Haven and Kathleen Lodges, came together to confer the EA
degree on five outstanding men. Along with members, we were also surprised to
have with us the DDGM for the 21st Masonic District, R:.W:. Pierce Dresden and
the acting Degree Master, R:.W:. Anthony Pickren as part of the degree team.
Bro. Dresden graciously consented to be a conductor when we came up one short
and made this night more special for the candidates. Seen in the picture below,
from left to right front row are the newest EAs, Leonardo Rubio and Keilan Burtz
of Wauchula lodge and Jason Chimel, Christopher Hill and Melvin Nieves of
Corinthian lodge. Also in the picture is R:.H:. Jeremy Leslie, the District
Instructor from Kathleen Lodge who acted as our Junior Steward and W:. Chris
Clifton, our guest lecturer and Senior Steward of Lake Wales Lodge No. 242. It
was an awesome night full of Brotherly Love and fellowship. For myself, it meant
a lot as I got to be the Senior Deacon and was able to keep my promise to walk
Bro. Rubio, whom I refer to as my bonus son, in the first step of his life long
journey and for Keilan Burtz, I now have a “double Brother” as both he and I
work together for FDC in the same location. I look forward to continuing this
journey with these two and all the Brothers of our Lodges and look forward to
the next time when I can help Pass them. Congratulations to the newest Brothers
and a great “Thank You” to everyone for coming out and supporting these men.
Keep Traveling East My Brothers!
Image courtesy of Wauchula Lodge No. 17
Image courtesy of Wauchula Lodge No. 17
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