Saturday, May 28, 2022

Alas, My Brother... M:.W:. Thomas L. Turlington, Jr. P:.G:.M:.

My Brethren,

It is my sad duty to inform you that on Friday afternoon Most Worshipful Thomas L. Turlington, Past Grand Master of Florida (2020-2021) laid down his working tools and passed to the Celestial Lodge above. He battled COPD and other issues, he fought hard and never gave up hope that he could be cured, but the good lord has called him home.

His family needs prayers for peace and comfort, and time to process their loss. 

I am asking each and everyone of you to please respect their need for privacy as they mourn.  Please do not reach out to Sandy, let her grieve in peace and when she is ready, I am sure she will let it be known that she is ready to talk.

Thank You,
M:.W:. Jeffrey S. Foster
Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida


Rick From Jersey said...

Tommy Turlington was a incredible man and Freemason. Rest in peace my Brother.

Juan Francisco Dominguez said...

When will MW Turlington's funeral be held?

Rick From Jersey said...

@Juan Francisco Dominguez, there is no further information at this time but when we have definitive dates and times for M:.W:. Turlington's funeral it will be posted here.

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